Rotary Club
Moscow International

Rotary Club Moscow International is the English-speaking Rotary Club in Russia’s capital. When attending our meetings, you will also hear Russian, German, French, Turkish and other languages spoken as we welcome Rotarians and visitors living nearby and visiting from around the world.The active and dedicated Rotarians in our Club are professionals coming from all areas of life: business, academics, art, government, and many other fields. We are active in supporting our community through charity, humanitarian work, and public projects that help our city to be ever more beautiful and enjoyable for its residents and visitors.Our Club was chartered in 2001 and joins 9 other Rotary Clubs in Moscow, 77 in Russia’s District 2223, and over 33,000 Clubs throughout the world providing "service above self".
RCMI President 2024/2025
C. Burak CAN
ContactYou can contact us by writing to:secretary@rcmi.rupresident@rcmi.ru
RCMI meets every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 19.30h at Ararat Hyatt Hotel, 4 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow. For details please check the Club Calendar.In order to participate you must be invited by a member of RCMI.

Rotary Club
Moscow InternationalEvent regıstratıon
Dear Rotary members and friends,Please shortly register for our events on below form!With rotarian regards
(if using mobile phone, turn sideways for correct view)
2024Sept 16Oct 7thOct 21stNov 18thDec 2ndDec 16th
**Statutory MeetingStatutory MeetingStatutory MeetingStatutory MeetingStatutory MeetingStatutory Meeting
Club Calendar 2022/2023
(if using mobile phone, turn sideways for correct view)
2022Sept 5Sept 9Sept 17Sept 27Oct 3Oct 6Oct 17Nov 7Nov 21Dec 5Dec 122023Jan 16Jan 23Jan 30Feb 13Feb 28Mar 6Mar 20Apr 3Apr 17May 15Jun 1Jun 5Jun 19Jul 6Jul 8
Statutory Meeting "Yandex Cloud Services"Ad Hoc Event "Little Night Serenade: Mozart classic concert"Statutory Meeting "Active charity"Ad Hoc Event "Artlife Fest 2022"Statutory Meeting "Partial mobilization - changes for employers"Rotary Octoberfest @Spaten GrandStatutory Meeting "Impact of Waste on Climate Change and Human Health"Statutory Meeting “Kotelnicheskaya Embankment - symbol of Moscow”Statutory Meeting "Cooking class @David's"Joint Statutory Meeting "Whisky tasting"Xmas Event @Ararat Park Hyatt Library**Statutory Meeting “How business in Russia is responding to events in 2022”Joint Event Rotary Humboldt @Baltschug KempinskiStatutory Meeting "ESG-Banking made in Russia"Statutory Meeting "Beer tasting @Spaten Grand"Joint Statutory Meeting Metropol @AHKStatutory Meeting "bankruptcy law in Russia"Joint Statutory Meeting @Moscow Capital Club "transformation of industrial"Statutory Meeting @SpatenGrand"Statutory Meeting "“Risks down, value up”Statutory Meeting “behind the curtains of banking transformation in Russia”Fundraiser at Brazil embassy (Gallery rcmi.ru/#restartu2023)Statutory Meeting “aesthetic adaptation of women subjected to violence”Statutory Meeting "cyber security in Russia"Annual General Meeting (AGM, members-only)Joint Summer Fundraiser @Orekhovaya Bukhta
Club Calendar 2021/2022
(if using mobile phone, turn sideways for correct view)
2021Sept 6Sept 11Sept 20Oct 4Oct 18Oct 23Oct 29Nov 1Nov 15Nov 25Nov 29Nov 30Dec 13** **2022Jan 17Jan 31Feb 14Feb 28Mar 14Mar 28Apr 11Apr 21Apr 25May 16May 30Jun 7Jun 17Jun 22
** **
** **Statutory Meeting "The future of the Office"Ad Hoc Event "Visit of Blazar Art Fair"Statutory Meeting "Raduga Foundation"Statutory Meeting "Hilton (Soviet Visotka) guided tour"Statutory Meeting "Moscow Region Business Development"Club Trip "Sergiev Posad Orphanage"Fundraiser "RestartU"@ Armenian EmbassyStatutory Meeting "Nuclear Icebreaker to the North Pole"Statutory Meeting "Localization in Russia - Experience Sharing"Ad Hoc Event "RCMI@Winzavod"Statutory Meeting "Goethe Institute in Russia"Ad Hoc Event "Beer Tasting @ Spaten Grand"Xmas Event @ Hyatt Ball Room** **
** **Statutory Meeting "Innovation in Switzerland"Statutory Meeting "North and South Korean delegations in Vladivostok”Statutory Meeting "Medical checks of foreign nationals: news & experiences"Statutory Meeting "Liquidity transfer, FX differences & impact on business"Statutory Meeting "Russian labour market in the current crisis”Statutory Meeting "Crowd Funding: the Help Needed Foundation"Statutory Meeting @ Spaten GrandAd Hoc Event "RCMI@ pop/off/art Gallery""Statutory Meeting "Economic Briefing"Statutory Meeting "Logistic & Supply Chain in the current situation"Statutory Meeting "Current agenda of trade in Russia""Ad Hoc Event "Tour at Morozov's Mansion"Fundraising Event "Summer Jazz and Classic Vocals"Annual General Meeting (AGM, members-only)
Historic calendars
Club Calendar 2020/2021
(if using mobile phone, turn sideways for correct view)
2020Jul 13Sept 7Sept 12Sept 21Oct 5Oct 19Nov 2Nov 16Nov 30Dec 14** **2021Jan 11Jan 18Feb 1Feb 15Mar 1Mar 15Apr 19May 11May 24Jun 7Jun 25Jun 28
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Annual General Meeting (AGM, members-only)Statutory Meeting “Contemporary Art in Post-Soviet Russia”RCMI goes Cosmoscow!Chimney Meeting (members-only)Statutory Meeting “Consumer Product Sector in 2020/21”Statutory Meeting “Renewable Energy Revolution / End of Oil. Myth or Reality?”Statutory Meeting “Charity Crowdfunding”Statutory Meeting “Green Finance”Statutory Meeting “Sustainability in Business Models: Green Economy”Xmas Event
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International Meeting with RC Kitchener/ CanadaStatutory Meeting “Digital Medicine: Push into Blue Ocean of Life Sciences”Statutory Meeting “Outlook for Doing Business in Russia in 2021"Statutory Meeting “Blockchain for Corporates"Statutory Meeting "Covid vaccines: what we know today”Statutory Meeting “Digitalisation in Financial Sector”Statutory Meeting “HR Management Practices”Chimney Meeting (members & friends only)Statutory Meeting "Charter Anniversary Event"Statutory MeetingFundraiser for "our little country"Annual General Meeting (AGM, members-only)
Club News
Popular Fundraiser "Summer Jazz"@Roden Manor in support of RCMI project Our Little Country was successfully back on June 17, 2022. See impressions here.
21.06.2022RCMI holds "Plaudermeeeting @Spaten Grand" to foster friendship and exchange amongst the Club Members.
11.04.2022We are back in offline sessions. Please join us @Hyatt for our Statutory Meetings.
21.03.2022RCMI will revert the next meetings to pure online format due to the pandemic situation. Stay healthy!
18.01.2022Successful close of 2021 with a fundraising Christmas Dinner. See impressions here.
13.12.2021RCMI approaches the year end with two additional ad hoc events (see calendar for details) and a Christmas celebration @Hyatt Library.
19.11.2021Successful Fundraiser Event Gala Dinner at the Armenian Embassy to support RestartU. See impressions here.
29.10.2021RCMI explored one of the 7 sister biuldings: the Hilton Hotel Moscow Leningradskaya. See pictures here.
04.10.2021Start with a glimpse on "the future of the office" at our first Stat Meeting.
06.09.2021The Rotarian year closes with our AGM 2021 and hand-over of the presidency from Patrik Mayer to Thomas Bihrer. Motto of next year: "Enjoy Your Rotary"
30.06.2021Successful Summer Jazz event to raise funds for RCMI project "Our Little Country" on June 25.
26.06.202120th charter anniversary of RCMI coming up in May. Prepare for a special evening on May 24th.
30.04.2021Hybrid meetings will resume in February with an “Outlook for Doing Business in Russia in 2021” by Chris Weafer
23.01.2021Digital Insights from Anton Gopka on “Digital Medicine” and “Digitalisation in Financial Sectors” by Marc Friedrich on the agenda for Q1
16.01.2021RCMI returns from New Year Break for international Rotarian friendship in a joint online meeting with RC Kitchener/ Canada (#beafriend)
11.01.2021Happy faces at Lapino Hospital as RCMI offers a sweet surprise to medical staff, kindly supported by Lindt
20.12.2020Year end "in style" at RCMI with a wine roulette at the Library Room at Hyatt
14.12.2020Successful food collection project by RCMI and Rotaract with Nochlejka to support homeless in Moscow (homeless.ru)
10.12.2020“Green” weeks ahead at RCMI with three speakers looking at environmental topics from very different angles (see Club Calendar)
11.10.2020RCMI implements tighter hygiene concept for physical meetings at Hyatt.
06.10.2020Rotarian Year 2020/ 21 starts with “Art Insights” from speaker Laure Debouttiere and a visit to Cosmoscow.
13.09.2020Until further notice RCMI will conduct all Statutory Meeting in a hybrid format (limited physical attendance at Hyatt and Zoom link).

Projects of RCMI
Ad-Hoc Projects
RCMI проект "RestartU"
Финансирование специального оборудования, чтобы больные дети могли самостоятельно передвигаться.
Предыстория RestartU - успешное сотрудничество RCMI и CIP
Центр врожденной патологии (ЦВП) под руководством профессора, д.м.н. Н.А. Беловой создан на базе частной клиники GMS для оказания помощи детям с редкими и сложными врожденными заболеваниями. Правление RCMI приняло решение оказать поддержку ЦВП и организовать ряд “fund raising” для финансирования закупи специализированного оборудования, позволяющего ребенку самостоятельно передвигатьсяЦВП организует уникальные Консилиумы для постановки верного диагноза, забор сложных анализов, реабилитационные программы и программы социальной адаптации.

С 2007 по 2015 год в ЦВП:Более 600 детей с тяжелыми нарушениями развития получили уникальную медицинскую помощь и индивидуальные программы реабилитации.380 семей с детьми, имеющими несовершенный остео-генез, существенно изменили свой образ жизни к лучшему, получили психологическую и юридическую помощь, программы адаптации к социуму.Более 50% детей после первичного обращения в Центр обретают возможность самостоятельно передвигаться. 42 ребенка смогли начать учиться в школе наравне со здоровыми детьми. Их семьи обрели новую полноценную жизнь.Только 30 детей в месяц могут находиться в стационаре для обследования, Консилиумов и анализов. Регулярно более 20 детей ждут от 10 недель запись в стационар Центра на обследование и Консилиум. Максимум для 2 детей в неделю можно организовать Консилиум из российских и зарубежных экспертов.В среднем 25 000 евро в год должна потратить семья с больным ребенком на обследование и реабилитацию, не считая дорогостоящих препаратов, операций. Набор спецоборудования для 1 ребенка стоит от 600 000 рублей. Консилиум из российских специалистов 15-30 тысяч рублей, многие профессора работают бесплатно.
1 июня 2023 года - Благотворительный гала-ужин
Благотворительный вечер в пользу проекта RestartU в резиденции Его Превосходительства Посла Бразилии в РФ Родриго Баэна Соарес, проходивший под личным патронажем его супруги госпожи Лусианы Баэна Соарес.
Прежде всего, мы выражаем огромную благодарность лично госпоже Лусиане Баэна Соарес за сердечный отклик и готовность принять наш проект RestartU, как неотъемлемую часть своих персональных благодеяний в пользу нуждающихся детей с ограниченными возможностями. Госпожа Лусиана выступила не только, как профессиональный и радушный организатор приёмов высокого уровня, но и как гостеприимная хозяйка резиденции и щедрый даритель.
Особые комплименты мы получили в адрес господина Посла.
Личное и заинтересованное участие в знакомстве с благотворительными проектами Ротари и неподдельный интерес Его Превосходительства к потенциалу развития бразильско-российских отношений в области культуры и экономики, вдохновили наших высокопоставленных гостей на продолжение взаимодействия и диалога.
Все наши гости, спонсоры и дарители отмечали особую атмосферу вечера, сочетавшую в себе лёгкость и элегантность подачи развлекательной программы, щедрость в угощении яркими эмоциями и гастрономическими изысками, новыми знакомствами с интересными и харизматичными персоналиями.Наши результаты
Мы высказываем огромную персональную благодарность нашим частным Дарителям – Борису Тарасову, Владимиру Седову, Николаю Белокопытову, Филиппу Коэну, Дэйву Мунгеру и Андрею Валькову, благодаря которым мы покрыли расходы на гастрономический ужин, вино и коктейли, шоколадные комплименты, концертную программу, фото, видео и печатные материалы. Отдельную благодарность организаторы вечера объявляют Президенту RCMI 2018-2020 – Алине Лаврентьевой за значительный и неоценимый вклад в привлечении 3 главных Спонсоров и 8 гостей, один из которых приобрел лот благотворительного Аукциона.
Мы благодарим Главного Спонсора Благотворительной Лотереи – ювелирный часовой завод НИКА и лично госпожу Татьяну Логинову за 3 великолепных приза Лотереи, а также комплименты в пользу господина Посла и его супруги, сувениры для всех гостей вечера.
Мы благодарим компании ASKONA life group, Swissotel, Dr.Hauschka, THEATRE des PARFUMS, Radical chic, Au nom de la rose, Jaguari за щедрый вклад в формирование призов Благотворительной Лотереи.
Благодаря щедрости и открытым сердцам наших гостей, их особо активному участию в благотворительной Лотерее и Аукционе, мы собрали 1, 3 млн. рублей – это лучший результат фандрайзинга одного гала-вечера в пользу RestartU за последние 5 лет.
Собранные средства позволят помочь 3 детям: – Лере Ц.(2 годика), Матвею А.(5,5 лет), Аслану Н. (6 лет) и приобрести для них коляски активного типа для свободного передвижения без посторонней помощи, разработанные и произведенные по индивидуальным меркам.
Поздравляем всех нас с таким великолепным результатом!
Девиз Ротари “Service above self” неизменно действует в любые времена и жизненные ситуации.Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2023

Октябрь 2021 года - Благотворительный вечер
Благотворительный вечер в пользу проекта RestartU в резиденции и под патронажем его Превосходительства Посла Армении господина Вардана Тоганяна.Впервые за 2 года мы провели наш ежегодный благотворительный вечер в пользу проекта RestartU, что придает ему особую значимость и дает всем нам возможность оценить силу девиза Ротари – “Service above self”.

Наши результаты
Огромную благодарность за открытые двери навстречу благим делам в столь непростое для всех нас время высказывали все гости вечера, Спонсоры и члены клуба RCMI лично господину Послу Его Превосходительству господину Вардану Тоганяну. Мы благодарим наших Спонсоров за финансовую поддержку, благодаря которой мы покрыли расходы на угощение и вино, благотворительную Лотерею, фото, видео и печатные материалы. Отдельная благодарность Армянскому культурному центру и лично господину Габбе Владимиру за вклад в творческое наполнение, эстетику и атмосферу вечера.Мы с большим удовлетворением и радостью констатируем, что 7 из 11 арт объектов, представленных на благотворительном Аукционе, были приобретены нашими гостями, что позволило внести финансовый вклад как в поддержку проекта RestartU, так и творческих деятелей - скульптора Константина Становова и художника Армена Ваграмяна, любезно предоставивших свои работы на Аукцион.Благодаря щедрости и открытым сердцам наших гостей, их активному участию в благотворительной Лотерее и Аукционе, мы собрали 960 000 рублей. Вместе с остатком на счете проекта RestartU, мы располагаем бюджетом в 1,1 млн. рублей, что позволит приобрести специализированное медицинское оборудования для 3 детей: 3 кресла и 1 ходунки.Поздравляем всех нас с таким великолепным результатом!Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2021
8 Ноября 2019 года - Благотворительный гала-вечер
Благотворительный гала-вечер в пользу проекта RestartU в резиденции и под патронажем его Превосходительства Посла Австрии Доктора Йоханнеса Эйгнера.

За последние 3 года мы собрали для RestartU $60000 и помогли 20 детям: приобретение инвалидных кресел и ходунков под индивидуальный заказ на основе диагноза каждого ребенка, поставленного профессором Натальей Беловой (Центра врожденных патологий) в кооперации с Консилиумом специалистов (помещение: клиника GMS в Москве).В этом году мы решили расширить идею RestartU и внести в нее спортивную энергию вместе с основателем благотворительного фонда #БольшеЧемМожешь господином Вадимом Зеленским
#БольшеЧемМожешь – уникальное спортивное движение, не имеющее аналогов в России. Начав свой путь в 2016 году, он объединил спортсменов разной физической подготовки, в том числе с ограниченными физическими возможностями, которые вместе выступают на массовых спортивных мероприятиях. На сегодняшний день фонд заботится о 50 инвалидах и получает помощь от более 300 волонтеров.Наши результатыМы невероятно благодарны за гостеприимство господина Посла Его Превосходительства Доктору Йоханнес Айгнеру и за финансовую поддержку наших Спонсоров, благодаря которым мы покрыли расходы на развлекательную программу, угощение и вино, благотворительную Лотерею и Аукцион, фото и видео-материалы.В наши задачи входило собрать 16500 евро на оплату тренировок и изготовление инвалидных колясок для трех паралимпийцев для их участия в марафоне Москва 2020. Благодаря поддержке наших гостей, и их открытым сердцам, мы собрали 15000 евро. Мы планируем до конца текущего года достигнуть поставленной цели и реализовать совместный с #БольшеЧемМожешь проект.Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2019
18 октября 2018 года - Благотворительный гала-вечер в пользу проекта RestartUБлаготворительный гала-вечер в пользу проекта RestartU в резиденции и под патронажем его Превосходительства Посла Австрии Доктора Йоханнеса Эйгнера.

Наши успехиРады вам сообщить, что финансовый результат нашего гала-вечера, прошедшего 18 октября 2018 года в резиденции Посла Австрии в Российской Федерации Его превосходительства Доктора Johannes Eigner, позволит оказать помощь 3 детям-инвалидам. Все денежные средства, полученные от благотворительных взносов гостей, благотворительной Лотереи и благотворительного Аукциона, полностью пойдут на приобретение индивидуальных кресел и ходунков.Пользуясь случаем, хотим еще раз поблагодарить вас всех и каждого в отдельности за открытые сердца и доверие.Бесценна помощь наших Спонсоров, благодаря которым мы реализуем оригинальные программы и призы, создаем особую атмосферу вечера и прекрасное настроение нашим гостям!Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2018
Сбор средств 25 июня 2016 г.Благотворительный вечер в резиденции Посла Австрии в РФ Доктора Эмиля Брикса в пользу проекта RestartU project.

Наши успехиМы рады сообщить, что второй фанд рейзинг, посвященный проекту RestartU, с огромным успехом прошел 25.06.16 в резиденции Посла Австрии, под патронажем Его Превосходительства Доктора Брикса и его супруги Элизабет Брикс.Объем денежных средств, собранных в этот вечер за счет спонсорских взносов частных и юридических лиц, продажи входных и лотерейных билетов, продажи на аукционе дарственной картины московского художника Славы Гаюн, а также Спонсорские взносы итальянского дистрикта 2072, итальянских Ротари клубов – "RC Bologna" и "RC Cortona" – участников ежегодных Multi Club workshop, взносы дистрикта России 2220, позволили нам оформить заявку на Глобал грант.Следуя регламентам и правилам Rotary Foundation, мы привлекли совокупный объем денежных средств в размере 53.000 долларов США.Эта рекордный результат позволил нам помочь 15 детям из разных регионов России, в возрасте от 8 до 14 лет и приобрести 17 видов индивидуально изготовленного оборудования: Кресло Пантера, Ходунки, Подъемники.Мы хотим выразить особую благодарность основателю и лидеру проекта Multi Club workshop - Господину Леонардо де Анджелис – паст президенту RCMI, ныне проживающему в г.Равенна, Италия, - за возможность представить проект RestartU в 2016 году в г.Санкт-Петербурге, что позволило привлечь интерес и финансирование от итальянских клубов-участников Multi Club workshop** и рассказать о нашем проекте RestartU на международном уровне.Мы благодарим всех наших спонсоров, гостей, друзей и ротарианцев за оказанное доверие и участие в благодеянии для социально значимого проекта.Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2016
Сбор средств 25 июня 2015 г.25 июня 2015 года Rotary Club Moscow International провел первый фанд-рейзинг в пользу проекта RestartU в поддержку детей-инвалидов Центра врожденной патологии под управлением профессора Н.Беловой. Благотворительный вечер проходил в резиденции Его Превосходительства Посла Дании в РФ господина Томаса Винклера под его личным патронажем.Денежные средства, собранные за счет личных и корпоративных пожертвований гостей вечера, а также спонсорская поддержка датских и российских компаний, позволяют приобрести 3 инвалидных кресла с индивидуальной конструкцией для детей-инвалидов. Компания R82 предоставила 1 комплект ходунков для детей-инвалидов, а компания Лего - наборы Лего для детей от 6 до 15+ лет.Благотворительный вечер был полон шарма и сюрпризов, которые подарили гостям организаторы при участии балета Большого театра и оркестра Кремлевского дворца под руководством Ю.Башмета. Благотворительную Лотерею и Благотворительный Аукцион, под восторженные аплодисменты публики, провели известные шоумены Михаил Шац и Татьяна Лазарева, лично поддерживающие Центр врожденной патологии под руководством профессора Натальи Беловой.Галерея гала-вечера: https://rcmi.ru/#restartu2015

Наши успехи
Мы рады сообщить, что по результатам нашего первого fund raising мероприятия для проекта RestartU, прошедшего 25 июня 2015 года в резиденции Посла Дании Господина Томаса Винклера, RCMI приобрел и вручил специализированное, изготовленное по индивидуальным меркам медицинское оборудование 5 детям-инвалидам из разных городов России, на общую сумму 866021 рубль (в ценах на ноябрь 2015 года).
Шпади Ксения - г. Воронеж
Кресло-коляска активного типа Bambino Panthera (179.118-00 RUR)
Ходунки крокодилы Crocodile #2 (81.775-00 RUR)
Шайдурова Катя - Приморский край, г. Кунгур
Кресло-коляска Panthera S2 short (222.497-00 RUR)
Алексанова Анна - Москва, удочерили
Ходунки крокодилы Crocodile #1 (96.844-00 RUR)
Котерев Данила - МО, г. Чехов
Ходунки Мустанг Mustang/Bronco #1 (113.515-00 RUR)
Дашиева Маргарита - Казань, удочерили
Кресло-коляска активного типа Bambino (172.272-00 RUR)
Fund special equipment to make it possible for sick children to move independently.
The background of RestartU - RCMI and CIP collaborate successfully
The Center of Inborn Pathologies (CIP) headed by the professor, PhD Natalia Belova, was created based on private clinic, aiming to help children with rare and complex inborn pathologies.CIP organizes unique Multidisciplinary Consulting to establish definite diagnosis, to provide sampling for complex analyses, and to organize social adaptation rehabilitation programs.RCMI Board took a decision to support CIP and organize annual fund-rising events to collect money for special equipment making it possible for sick children to move independently.

During the years 2007 - 2015 the Center of Inborn Pathologies provided:To more than 600 children with severe development disorder a unique medical assistance and individual rehabilitation programs.380 families having children with osteogenesis imperfecta got psychological counselling, legal assistance, were included in social adaptation programs, and drastically improved their lifestyle.More than 50% of all children addressing for the first-time the Center gained an ability to move independently.42 children started going to school together with healthy children. Their families gained a new full-value life.Only 30 children per month can stay in day-and-night clinic for examination, analyses and multidisciplinary consulting. Usually more than 20 children are waiting for more than 10 weeks before being accepted by the day-and-night clinic of the Center to pass necessary examinations and consulting. Multidisciplinary international consulting can be arranged for not more than 2 children per week.In average 25.000 EUR per year shall be spent by the family of the sick child for examination and rehabilitation, not counting expensive drugs and surgery. A set of special equipment for 1 child costs at least 600.000 RUB. Multidisciplinary consulting of Russian doctors costs 15-30.000 RUB, even though many doctors are not charging for their service.
Fundraiser June 2023June 1, 2023 - Charity Gala Dinner – RC Moscow International
On June 1st took place a charity evening in favor of the “RestartU” project at the residence of H.E. Ambassador of Brazil to the Russian Federation Rodrigo Baena Soares, held under the personal patronage of his wife, Mrs. Luciana Baena Soares.
We express our deep gratitude personally to Mrs. Luciana Baena Soares for her cordial response and willingness to accept our RestartU project as an integral part of her own action in favor of children in need, with disabilities. Mrs. Luciana acted not only as a professional and hospitable organizer of high-level receptions, but also as a generous host of the residence and donor.
We received special compliments to Mr. Ambassador. His willingness to get acquainted with Rotary's charitable projects and his genuine interest in the potential of the development of Brazilian-Russian relations in the field of culture and economy, inspired our high-ranking guests to continue interaction and dialogue.
All our guests, sponsors and donors noted the special atmosphere of the evening, which combined the easy-going and elegant spirit of the entertainment program, the generosity in offering bright emotions and gastronomic delights, the new acquaintances with interesting and charismatic personalities.Progress report:
We express our deep gratitude to our private Donors: Boris Tarasov, Vladimir Sedov, Nikolai Belokopytov, Philippe Cohen, Dave Munger and Andrey Valkov, thanks to whom we covered the cost of the gastronomic dinner, wine and cocktails, chocolate compliments, concert program, photos, videos and printed materials. The organizers of the evening announced a special thanks to the President of RCMI 2018-2020, Alina Lavrentieva, for her significant and invaluable contribution in attracting 3 main Sponsors and 8 guests, one of whom purchased a lot of our Charity Auction.
We thank the Main Sponsor of the Charity Lottery, NIKA jewelry watch factory and personally Mrs. Tatyana Loginova, for 3 great Lottery prizes, as well as gifts generously offered to Mr. Ambassador and his wife, and souvenirs for all guests of the evening.
We thank companies ASKONA, Swissotel, Dr.Hauschka, THEATRE des PARFUMS, Radical chic, Au nom de la rose, Jaguari for their generous contribution to the Charity Lottery prizes.
Thanks to the generosity and open hearts of our guests, their especially active participation in the Charity Lottery and the Auction, we have collected 1.3 million rubles; this is the best result obtained in one single fundraising gala evening in favor of RestartU over the past 5 years.
The collected funds will help 3 children: Lera Ts. (2 years old), Matvey A. (5.5 years old), Aslan N. (6 years old), and enable us to purchase active-type wheelchairs designed and manufactured according to individual standards for them; this will give them the possibility to move autonomously and start a new life.
Congratulations to all of us on such a great result!
The Rotary motto “Service above self” proves to be true in all times and life situations.Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2023

Fundraiser October 2021Charity evening in favor of the RestartU project at the residence and under the patronage of His Excellency Ambassador of Armenia Mr. Vardan Toganyan.
For the first time in 2 years, we held our annual charity event in favor of the RestartU project, which gives it special significance and the opportunity to appreciate the power of Rotary's motto - “Service above self”.

Progress reportAll the guests of the evening, Sponsors and members of the RCMI club personally expressed their gratitude for the open doors towards good deeds in such a difficult time for all of us to Mr. Ambassador His Excellency Mr. Vardan Toganyan. We would particularly like to thank our Sponsors for their financial support, thanks to which we covered the costs of food and wine, the charity Lottery, photo, video and printed materials. Special thanks to the Armenian Cultural Center and personally to Mr. Gabbe Vladimir for his contribution to the creative content, aesthetics and atmosphere of the evening.We state with great satisfaction and joy that 7 out of 11 art objects presented at the Charity Auction were purchased by our guests, which made it possible to make a financial contribution both to support the RestartU project and artists - sculptor Konstantin Stanovov and artist Armen Vahramyan, who kindly submitted their works for the Auction.Thanks to the generosity and open hearts of our guests, their active participation in the charity lottery and auction, we raised 960,000 rubles. Together with the rest on the account of the RestartU project, we have the budget of 1,100,000 rubles, which will allow us to purchase specialised medical equipment for 3 children: 3 chairs and 1 walker.Congratulations to all of us on such a great result!Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2021
Fundraiser November 8, 2019Gala Charity evening in honor of the project RestartU in the residence and under the patronage of his excellency the Ambassador of Austria Dr. Johannes Eigner.

For the last 3 years we raised for RestartU up to $60.000 and helped 20 children: purchasing “tailor made” wheel chairs and walking devices, based on individual diagnosis for each child done by Prof. Natalia Belova (Center for Inborn Pathologies) together with a Сonsilium of specialists (premises: GMS clinic in Moscow).
This year we decided to extend the idea of RestartU and to bring some sport energy in it together with Mr. Vadim Zelensky and his charity fund #БольшеЧемМожешь (MoreThanAble)“MoreThanAble” is a unique sport movement, which has no analogues in Russia. Started in 2016, it unites athletes with different physical capacity, also physically challenged, who perform together in mass sport events. As of today the fund takes care of 50 disabled people and receives the help of more than 300 volunteers.Progress report:We are incredibly grateful for the hospitality of Mr. Ambassador H.E. Dr. Johannes Eigner and the support of our Sponsors thanks to whom we have succeeded to cover the costs for entertainment, food & wine, lottery and auction lots, and video production. It was a pleasure to host our guests and to share the joy of good deed.Our goal was to collect 16.500 EUR to be able to finance training and wheelchairs for 3 para-athletes’ participation in Marathons Moscow 2020. We collected 15.000 EUR and we will achieve the target specified above to the end of this year.Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2019
Fundraiser October 18, 2018Gala Charity evening in honour of the project RestartU in the residence and under the patronage of his excellency the Ambassador of Austria Dr. Johannes Eigner.

Progress reportWe are happy to report that the financial result of the charity gala-evening, which took place on 18th October, 2018 at the Residence of the Ambassador of Austria for Russian Federation H.E. Doctor Johannes Eigner under his patronage could provide 3 children with tailor made medical equipment.Thanks to the contribution of our Sponsors on the entertainment and food, Charity payments, which we gained from Entry tickets, Lottery and Auction will be sending to equipment’ payment.We appreciate greatly investment of time and good will of our Sponsors and guests which favor the well-wishing and unforgettable atmosphere at our charity evenings.Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2018
Fundraiser June 25, 2016Charity evening for the RestartU project at the residence of the Ambassador of Austria for the Russian Federation Doctor E. Brix.

Progress reportWe are pleased to inform our sponsors, guest and friends about a great achievement and international success of the fund-raising which was held on 25nd of June, 2016 with a gala-evening at the Residence of the Ambassador H.E. Dr. E.Brix under his wife Mrs. Elizabeth Brix patronage. By virtue as our united strength – charitable contribution from gala-evening with entry tickets, Lottery, charity Auction – with Slava Gayun’ donation painting, charitable contribution of Italian district 2072, charitable contribution of Italian Rotary clubs - "RC Bologna" и "RC Cortona" and charitable contribution of Russian district 2220 we managed to organize a Global Grant with the Rotary Foundation Global and gained a record amount of total contribution to our RestartU project – $53000.We would like to express our great thanks to Mr. Leonardo de Angelis – past President of RCMI, currently based in Ravenna (Italy) – for bringing us an opportunity to present our RestartU project at annually Multi Club workshop, on 2016 at St.-Petersburg.** Thanks to his initiative we are able to attract an international interest and funds for RestartU project from different Rotary clubs, this time - from Italy.We are happy to announce that 15 children (12-14 years old) from different regions of Russia have got 17 different “tailor made” medical equipment, like invalid chairs «Panther», walkers, lifters.Dear Sponsors, Friends, Rotarians, Thank you very much for your trust, open hearts and great contribution to our RestartU project with high level of social responsibility!Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2016
Fundraiser June 25, 2015On June 25, 2015, Rotary Club Moscow International organized its first fundraising for the project RestartU in support of the invalid children of the “Center for Congenital Disorders" managed by Prof. Natalia Belova. This charity evening was held in the Residence of H.E. Thomas Winkler, Ambassador of Denmark in the R.F., and under his personal patronage.The funds raised from personal and corporate donations, together with the sponsorship of Danish and Russian companies, will enable to purchase 3 tailor made wheelchairs for invalid children; besides, the company R82 offered a set of special verticalization equipment. The company Lego donated several constructor boxes for children aged from 6 to 15.The evening was full of charm and surprises offered by the organizers, with the participation of the Bolshoy Theatre corps de ballet and of the Kremlin Orchestra (Director: Yuri Bashmet). The charity lottery and auction were successfully held by famous stars Tatiana Lazareva and Michail Shatz under the applause of the public. Both Tatiana and Michail also support personally the Center for Congenital Disorders managed by Natalia Belova.Gallery of the evening can be found here: rcmi.ru/#restartu2015

Success Report
We are happy to announce, that our 1st fund raising event in the Residence of the Danish Ambassador Mr. Thomas Winkler on 25th of June 2015 for RestartU project permitted us to buy special tailor made medical equipment for 5 children from different Russian cities with total value 866.021RUB.
Supported Children
** **Shpady Ksenia - г. Воронеж
active chair Bambino Panthera (179.118 RUB)
Crocodile #2 (81.775 RUB)Shaydurova Katerina - Приморский край, г. Кунгур
active chair Panthera S2 short (222.497 RUB)Aleksanova Anna - Москва
Crocodile #1 (96.844 RUB)Koterev Danila - МО, г. Чехов
Mustang/Bronco #1 (113.515 RUB)Dashieva Margarita - Казань
active chair Bambino (172.272 RUB)
Поставлять и обслуживать слуховые аппараты высокого качества для глухих и слепых детей в Сергиевом Посаде.

В Сергиевом Посаде, в 60 км к северу от Москвы, находится одно из немногих мест в России, посвященных уходу за глухими и слепыми детьми: Детский дом. В Детском доме около 250 детей в возрасте от 3 до 17 лет. Дети либо слепые, либо глухие, либо и то, и другое. В среднем ок. 150 детей глухие.Дети, которые приходят в Детский дом, обычно из малообеспеченных семей или без родителей. Даже если приют обеспечивает детей едой, жильем и образованием, государство не предоставляет никакой дополнительной помощи отдельному ребенку, если это требует дополнительных денег.
Во многих случаях глухоту можно «вылечить» с помощью слуховых аппаратов, но они дороги, и у детского дома нет средств на покупку таких слуховых аппаратов для отдельного ребенка. Хороший набор слуховых аппаратов стоит от 1 500 до 2 000 долларов США. RCMI (Ротари Клуб Москва Интернэшнл) за последние 8 лет смог собрать более 200 000 долларов США и использовать эти деньги для поставки в общей сложности 150 комплектов слуховых аппаратов.Поскольку ежегодно в приют приходят новые глухие дети и слуховые аппараты изнашиваются через 5-6 лет, наша задача не прекращается.Мы надеемся, что в ближайшие годы Ротари Клуб Москва Интернэшнл сможет и дальше помогать глухим детям в Детском доме в Сергиевом Посаде. Вы готовы поддержать?
Supply and maintain high quality hearing aids to deaf and blind children in Sergiev Posad.

In Sergiev Posad, 60 km north of Moscow, one of the few places in Russia that is dedicated to taking care of deaf and blind children is located: Detski Dom. Detski Dom has about 250 children aged between 3 to normally 17 years. The children are either blind, deaf, or both. In average approx. 150 of the children are deaf.Children who come to Detski Dom are usually from poor families or without parents. Even if the orphanage is providing food, lodging and education for the children, any further help to the individual child is not taken care of by the State if it cost additional money.
Deafness can in many cases “be cured” with hearing aids but they are expensive and the orphanage does not have funds to buy such hearing aids for the individual child. A good set of hearing aids costs about 1.500 to 2.000 USD. RCMI (Rotary Club Moscow International) has for the last 8 years been able to collect more than 200.000 USD and used the money to supply a total of 150 sets of hearing aids.As new deaf children are coming to the orphanage every year and because hearing aids are wearing out after 5-6 years, our task is ongoing.We hope that for the years to come, Rotary Club Moscow International will be able to continue helping the deaf children at Detski Dom in Sergiev Posad. Are you willing to support?
Create a recreational development territory for young people with mental encumbrances.

There is already a village with housing and recreational facilities to which there shall be added a loom workshop. The aim of the project is to create an area of therapy through handcrafts and inclusion through cooperation i.a. with the union of families with many children. Through distancing from the family background and performing tasks which are recognized and render tangible results (such as handicraft) the children develop independence and enhance their development potential. The aim is to turn this summer camp into a facility operated year round.
The geographical location is in the village Zarytki, Spassky rayon, Ryazansakaya obl. (270 km from Moscow).
Создайте территорию рекреационного развития для молодежи с умственными отягощениями.

Уже есть поселок с жилыми домами и местами отдыха, к которому добавят ткацкий цех. Целью проекта является создание области терапии с помощью ремесел и инклюзии через сотрудничество, в том числе при объединении многодетных семей. Благодаря дистанцированию от семьи и выполнению задач, которые признаются и приносят ощутимые результаты (например, рукоделие), дети развивают независимость и повышают свой потенциал развития. Цель состоит в том, чтобы превратить этот летний лагерь в объект, работающий круглый год.
Географическое положение - село Зарытки Спасского района Рязанской обл. (270 км от МКАД).
Ad-Hoc Project for Nochlejka - Nov 2020
- RCMI & Rotaract jointly collect food and urgent necessities for homeless in Moscow -
(kindly supported by Selgros)
Ad-Hoc Project at Lapino Hospital - Dec 2020
- happy faces as RCMI offers a sweet surprise to medical staff -
(kindly supported by Lindt)
(click on event to go to picture gallery)
JUNE 2022
Xmas Event at the Hyatt Ball Room
December 2021
Fundraiser Gala Evening at the Armenian Embassy for RestartU
October 2021
Hilton Tour 2021 - Stat Meeting
Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2021"
Summer Jazz 2021 - Fundraising Event for "Our Little Country"
20th Charter Anniversary 2021 - Fundraising Event at Audi City
Xmas 2020 - Last Stat Meeting 2020 at the Hyatt Library
Xmas 2019 - Fundraiser at the Hyatt Library
December 16, 2019
Fundraiser Gala Evening at the Austrian Embassy for RestartU
November 8, 2019
Fundraiser Gala Evening at the Austrian Embassy for RestartU
October 18 2018
Fundraiser Gala Evening at the Austrian Embassy for RestartU
June 25 2016
Fundraiser Gala Evening at the Danish Embassy for RestartU
June 25, 2015
Rotary Basics
What is RotaryOur club is one of more than 30.000 clubs in the world that offers our members fellowship and a special way to serve the community in which we are living. We are part of the Rotary International, present in 160 countries worldwide. We like to think of us as an open-minded, friendly, informal and international.Our present members are coming from Armenia, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Serbia, Spain, Russia.We are delighted to meet new prospective members, guests and visiting Rotarians at our meetings.
We love to have fun at our special meetings, we enjoy good food, good story and good fellowship.Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community's business and professional men and women. The world's Rotary clubs meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.The main objective of Rotary is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development.The Rotary motto is "Service Above Self".Members of a Rotary club are part of a diverse group of professional leaders working to address various community and international service needs and to promote peace and understanding throughout the world. Our members are our most important asset. They are the force that allows Rotary to carry out its many humanitarian efforts and achieve its mission.The world's first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, Illinois, USA, was formed on 23 February 1905 by Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wished to recapture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had felt in the small towns of his youth.The name "Rotary" derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members' offices. Rotary's popularity spread throughout the United States in the decade that followed; clubs were chartered from San Francisco to New York.By 1921, Rotary clubs had been formed on six continents, and the organization adopted the name Rotary International a year later. As Rotary grew, its mission expanded beyond serving the professional and social interests of club members. Rotarians began pooling their resources and contributing their talents to help serve communities in need.The organization's dedication to this ideal is best expressed in its principal motto: Service Above Self. Rotary also later embraced a code of ethics, called The 4-Way Test, that has been translated into hundreds of languages.During and after World War II, Rotarians became increasingly involved in promoting international understanding. A Rotary conference held in London in 1942 planted the seeds for the development of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and numerous Rotarians have served as consultants to the United Nations. An endowment fund, set up by Rotarians in 1917 "for doing good in the world," became a not-for-profit corporation known as The Rotary Foundation in 1928.Upon the death of Paul Harris in 1947, an outpouring of Rotarian donations made in his honor, totaling US$2 million, launched the Foundation's first program - graduate fellowships, now called Ambassadorial Scholarships. Today, contributions to The Rotary Foundation total more than US$80 million annually and support a wide range of humanitarian grants and educational programs that enable Rotarians to bring hope and promote international understanding throughout the world.In 1985, Rotary made a historic commitment to immunize all of the world's children against polio. Working in partnership with nongovernmental organizations and national governments thorough its PolioPlus program, Rotary is the largest private-sector contributor to the global polio eradication campaign. Rotarians have mobilized hundreds of thousands of PolioPlus volunteers and have immunized more than one billion children worldwide. By the 2005 target date for certification of a polio-free world, Rotary will have contributed half a billion dollars to the cause.As it approached the dawn of the 21st century, Rotary worked to meet the changing needs of society, expanding its service effort to address such pressing issues as environmental degradation, illiteracy, world hunger, and children at risk.The organization admitted women for the first time in 1989 and claims more than 90,000 women in its ranks today. Following the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Rotary clubs were formed or re-established throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Today, 1.2 million Rotarians belong to some 30,000 Rotary clubs in more than 160 countries.Administration
Rotary is organized at club, district, and international levels to carry out its program of service. Rotarians are members of their clubs, and the clubs are members of the global association known as Rotary International. Each club elects its own officers and enjoys considerable autonomy within the framework of the standard constitution and the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International. Clubs are grouped into 530 Rotary districts, each led by a district governor who is an officer of Rotary International and represents the RI board of directors in the field. Though selected by the clubs of the district, a governor is elected by all of the clubs worldwide meeting in the RI Convention. A 19-member board of directors, which includes the international president and president-elect, administers Rotary International. These officers are also elected at the convention; the selection process for choosing directors and the nominating committee for president are based on zones, each of which comprises approximately 15 districts. The board meets quarterly to establish policies. While the Rotary International president is chief executive of the organization, the active managing officer is the general secretary, who heads a staff of about 600 persons working at the international headquarters in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, Illinois, USA, or in one of seven international offices around the world.Objective of Rotary
The Objective of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
- FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
- SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
- THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life.
- FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.The 4-Way Test
From the earliest days of the organization, Rotarians were concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The 4-Way Test, which was created in 1932 by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor (who later served as RI president) when he was asked to take charge of a company that was facing bankruptcy. This 24-word code of ethics for employees to follow in their business and professional lives became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The 4-Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. It asks the following four questions:Of the things we think, say or do:
1) Is it the TRUTH?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Club History
Rotary Club Moscow International was chartered on May 25th, 2001.The Charter was handed over in an official ceremony at the Hotel Katerina (Moscow) by the District Governor Carl Vernerson from Sweden, as Moscow was part of the Swedish District 2350 back then.1. President - 2001-2002 - Carlo Natale , Italy2. President - 2002-2003 - Josef Marous, France3. President - 2003-2004 - Tiberius Braun, Germany4. President - 2004-2005 - Leonardo de Angelis, Italy5. President - 2005-2006 - Guy Marchand, Belgium6. President - 2006-2007 - Philippe Cohen, France7. President - 2007-2008 - Andres Garcia, Spain8. President - 2008-2009 - Svetlana Tolmacheva, Russia9. President - 2009-2010 - Thomas Kaufman, USA10. President - 2010-2011 - Hari Sokolovsky, Serbia11. President - 2011-2012 - Serhat Uysal, Turkiye12. President - 2012-2013 - Thomas Kaufman, USA13. President - 2013-2014 - Heinz Kraenzlein, Germany14. President - 2014-2015 - Elena Shpinel, Russia15. President - 2015-2015 - Mikhail Kiriakidi, Greece16. President - 2015-2018 - Erik Koebe, Germany17. President - 2018 -2020 - Alina Lavrentieva, Russia18. President - 2020-2021 - Patrik Mayer, Germany19. President - 2021-2022 - Thomas Bihrer, Switzerland20. President - 2022-2023 - Rifat Cicek, Turkiye
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